
Spacy (1981)

Directed by Takashi Ito



“His films are like a roller-coaster. His way of throwing the act of seeing into utter confusion is an attack on the eyes in their corporeal function, and to attack the eyes is to take on tile body itself as your opponent. The film makes you break out in sweat only by shooting a safe, peaceful gymnasium in the dark.” - Koharu Kisaragi

Length 10 minutes


Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/04/2019ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Came across my feed and sounded interesting. found it on Daily Motion. Def not a film for those prone to epileptic seizures! Fast, flashing imagery of an endless loop where the camera zooms into to a frame that is the same frame then travels quickly through other frames into the same frame. Like a video optical illusion. It’s neat for like 2 minutes but for 10 minutes it’s hard on the eyes. Still cool to see but not something I’d revisit.


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