
Prospect (2018)

Directed by Christopher Caldwell, Zeek Earl

Science Fiction | Thriller | Crime

Most recently watched by sensoria, AllAboutSteve


A teenage girl and her father travel to a remote alien moon, aiming to strike it rich. They’ve secured a contract to harvest a large deposit of the elusive gems hidden in the depths of the moon’s toxic forest. But there are others roving the wilderness and the job quickly devolves into a fight to survive.

Rated PG-13 | Length 98 minutes


Sophie Thatcher | Pedro Pascal | Jay Duplass | Andre Royo | Sheila Vand | Anwan Glover | Luke Pitzrick | Arthur Deranleau | Alex McCauley | Doug Dawson | Krista Johnson | Brian Gunter | Trick Danneker | Christopher Morson | Shepheard Earl | Ben Little

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/25/2023TVStreamingVideo on Demand7.5 stars
11/16/2019TVBlu-rayLibrary7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Was a quick pick off the new release shelf that grabbed my eye. Definitely impressed me with its characters, world-building and dialogue. tbh when it started I wasn’t so into it but fortunately events in the first act remedied that with main thrust of the story introduced (Pedro Pascal!). Then this movie gets real interesting and I was drawn into this unlikely relationship and world.

I like the effort put into the character/costume design. It looks similar yet different from what you’ve seen in film, especially how things work (ex. charging the gun cartridge). There’s a few characters that I’d love to have a 1/6 scale figure of. Really cool uniforms & accessories. 

I dig that Sheila Vand has a cool character but she needed to be in this more bc she’s a badass here. And really why the fuck doesn’t someone cast her in a lead role or stronger supporting role by now? I dig Pascal a lot and figure this was a warm-up role for The Mandalorian. I have one small issue with Cee and her reaction towards her father but doesn’t hamper the rest of the film. Won’t go into b/c it’s spoilery.

The Blu is a sadly another BR-R (these seem to be more prevalent these days) but it did have a few extras. The BTS featurette is neat but way way way too short. Like seriously, give us more than a few minutes when going over all the aspects of the project. It’s interesting that these filmmakers talk about being indie directors and having a lot less money to make their feature debut (btw, they made a short film “Prospect” that was essentially the proof of concept for the feature). So yeah they made this outside the studio system up in Seattle but this is by no means a small budget film. Sure, small budget compared to Hollywood but huge budget compared to most indie filmmakers I know. Not knocking these guys but just a interesting observation when they talk about making a low budget flick and the DIY mentality. After seeing the production warehouse it looked like a fun environment to make a movie. Lots of collaboration and team effort.

Despite being a BR-R I wouldn’t mind owning this. Would def like to hear their commentary track.


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