
Demon Witch Child (1975)

Directed by Amando de Ossorio

Horror | Supernatural


After an old witch desecrates a church and abducts a baby, the police take her in for questioning, leading her to attempt suicide. To exact revenge, a fellow witch curses the police commissioner’s daughter, and as the old witch dies, her spirit latches onto the young girl and causes her to wreak havoc.

Rated R | Length 90 minutes


Julián Mateos | Marián Salgado | Fernando Sancho | Lone Fleming | Ángel del Pozo | Kali Hansa | Daniel Martín | Tota Alba | María Kosty | Fernando Hilbeck | Roberto Camardiel | Julia Saly | María Vidal | Concha Gómez Conde | Ernesto Vañes | Lucy Tiller | Paquita Trench | Montserrat Prous | Beatriz Villasante

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/21/2020TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

From the director of the BLIND DEAD series!

Wish TMDb would keep it’s distributed title of “DEMON WITCH CHILD” as the main title only because it’s just so fucking perfect. Had no idea this was a Spanish remake of THE EXORCIST but I was totally down for it as soon as I realized what was happening. Of course, it’s not a remake/adaptation of the book in the literal sense but close enough to many of the story beats involving the possession of the girl with the super foul mouth doing crazy things. I love that The Exorcist came out and was such a phenomena that some producers in Spain said, “yeah let’s make our own fucked up demonic possession flick but throw in a witch and satanic cult!” Batshit movie.

The Code Red transfer on Prime is basically a scan of whatever shitty 35mm print Bill could his hands on. And I actually enjoyed that aspect. Really feels like a grindhouse flick w/all the scratches and burns but totally watchable (not like those muddy transfers; this looks decent just like watching the print in a theater). This would be a fun movie night flick. Also would probably do well at B-Fest if they actually programmed cool shit.

Now I wanna watch all the BLIND DEAD movies again. Ugh


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