
Dear Basketball (2017)

Directed by Glen Keane

Animation | Sports | Short


An animated telling of Kobe Bryant’s titular poem, signaling his retirement from the sport that made his name.

Rated NR | Length 6 minutes


Kobe Bryant | Mike Breen

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/26/2020PhoneStreamingVideo on Demand8 stars
02/10/2018Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

Fuck it. Just saw that Josh Goldblum posted this short so I had to watch it again. Didn’t think it was the best short that year but still really good (better than I remembered and it did win after all plus John Williams score). So goddamn incredibly sad to watch it today.

RIP #24

August 23, 1978 - January 26, 2020

“And sometimes, the death of someone we feel like we knew, but we never actually touched, triggers pain about the death of people we knew well.” — Bernice King


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