Three distinct tales unfold in the bustling city of Tokyo. Merde, a bizarre sewer-dweller, emerges from a manhole and begins terrorizing pedestrians. After his arrest, he stands trial and lashes out at a hostile courtroom. A man who has resigned himself to a life of solitude reconsiders after meeting a charming pizza delivery woman. And finally, a happy young couple find themselves undergoing a series of frightening metamorphoses.
Length 112 minutes
Ayako Fujitani | Ryo Kase | Ayumi Ito | Nao Omori | Satoshi Tsumabuki | Denden | Denis Lavant | Jean-François Balmer | Renji Ishibashi | Toshiyuki Kitami | Kyusaku Shimada | Teruyuki Kagawa | Yu Aoi | Naoto Takenaka | YosiYosi Arakawa | Hiroshi Yamamoto | Yutaka Matsushige | Ken Mitsuishi | Yoshiyuki Morishita | Kenji Kodama | Julie Dreyfus | Azusa Takehana | Aoi Nakabeppu | Nao Nekota | Andrée Damant
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
02/17/2020 | TV | DVD | Owned | 8 stars |
08/10/2009 | TV | DVD | Rented | 7.5 stars |
(Average) 7.75 stars |
Excited to revisit this! Holy smokes Ayako Fujitani is in this?! Wow (I really should buy that Man From Reno Blu) Not sure if there’s a Blu for this but this DVD looks like shit. Basically looks like a DVD that was released in 2008 or 2009.
So wild to see “the creature from the sewer” stroll down Ginza, exactly where I was less than a year before this was filmed (December 2007). Note to self: revisit Holy Motors already.
Fuuuuuuuuuuck now I wanna go back to Tokyo. This entire thing plays so different to me now that I’ve been to Tokyo a couple more times since last viewing it. It really makes me fond of the city which after my last visit I was fine not having to come back for a while. But there are still so many areas / neighborhoods / pockets of Tokyo I have never seen. So this movie had me craving a return to go back to see some new places.
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