
Pandora and the Flying Dutchman (1951)

Directed by Albert Lewin

Drama | Romance | Supernatural


Pandora Reynolds is a woman who has never fallen in love – but one who men kill and die for. When she meets dashing and mysterious ship’s captain Hendrik van der Zee, he pushes her to commit the ultimate act of love.

Rated NR | Length 124 minutes


James Mason | Ava Gardner | Nigel Patrick | Sheila Sim | Harold Warrender | Mario Cabré | Marius Goring | John Laurie | Abraham Sofaer | Patricia Raine | Marguerite d'Alvarez | John La Pillina | Francisco Igual | Guillermo Beltrán Mateos | Lilli Molnar | Phoebe Hodgson | Pamela Mason | Gabriel Carmona | Antonio Martín | Lolita Allergria | Helen Cleverley | Pepe de la Isla | Christiana Forbes | Eddie Leslie | Dido Plumb | Ricardo Valle | Gerald Welsh

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/27/2020TVDVDLibrary7 stars

Viewing Notes

This is good! Ava Gardner is a terrific ice queen and I totally can buy men falling all over for her. By the same token I can understand being smitten with James Mason’s Dutchman. Both are mostly awful people that deserve each other. Now I’m wondering about other Flying Dutchman stories/films. I like that this is a supernatural story without being horror.

The Kino restoration is incredible. They have a short comparison reel between the original print and the restored negative. It’s night and day difference literally (the original is so very dark). I believe this is getting a Blu release which is what spurred this viewing. If the dvd looks this good I’m sure the Blu will be outstanding.


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