
New Land Broken Road (2018)

Directed by Kavich Neang

Drama | Music | Short


Phnom Penh at night. Three young hip-hop dancers drive a single motorbike and stop on a muddy deserted road. Nick leaves the others to look for an iPhone he heard was lost in the area. Piseth and Thy discuss their hopes and doubts, and Piseth shows his best Michael Jackson moves. They meet Leakhena, a young female street vendor whose cart is full of colors.

Length 15 minutes


Piseth Chhun | Chinnaro Soem

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/19/2020ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Since the Glasgow Film Festival had to cancel due to the coronavirus they posted a few short films on their website that previously screened at their festival. This is one of them. I was drawn to it based on the description (not the one on TMDb) and that it was set in Cambodia.

This is a gorgeously shot short film with a very sweet moment in the lives of these young people. It really feels like it could be a prelude to a feature film about an impending end of the world scenario. Like, here’s these young people just doing their thing when suddenly aliens attack or something. It’s really cool and I bet this would look incredible on the big screen w/those colors.


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