
The Terrornauts (1967)

Directed by Montgomery Tully

Science Fiction | Adventure


A group of scientists are kidnapped and taken to an outer space outpost in order to save Earth from destruction.

Rated NR | Length 75 minutes


Simon Oates | Zena Marshall | Charles Hawtrey | Patricia Hayes | Stanley Meadows | Max Adrian | Frank Barry | Leonard Cracknell | André Maranne | Frank Forsyth | Robert Jewell | Richard Carpenter

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/07/2020TVBroadcastOther4.5 stars

Viewing Notes

This was the second feature for DKUTV Space Station Europa (Tuesday nights). Hadn’t seen this one so I definitely wanted to tune in (also couldn’t find it streaming). An early Amicus feature that teeters on horror but really straight up science fiction w/the this mixed group of earthlings transported to a strange planet to fight green humanoid aliens. This is not very good and would make for an ideal B-Fest flick. Perhaps the biggest factoid is this was the last film of Zena Marshall’s career. Her most popular role was in Dr. No opposite Sean Connery as the seductress Miss Taro. Or maybe it was Bond doing the seducing.


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