
Beyond the Door (1974)

Directed by Roberto D'Ettorre Piazzoli, Ovidio G. Assonitis

Horror | Supernatural

Most recently watched by sensoria


Jessica Barrett, wife and mother of two young children, begins to show signs of demonic possession while pregnant with her third child. As she seeks help from her husband and doctor, a mysterious man approaches her and seems to have some answers.

Rated R | Length 109 minutes


Juliet Mills | Gabriele Lavia | Richard Johnson | Nino Segurini | Elizabeth Turner | Barbara Fiorini | David Colin Jr. | Vittorio Fanfoni

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/28/2020TVStreamingVideo on Demand5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Another one I’ve missed over the years. This is basically like The Exorcist but instead of a young girl, it’s a pregnant mother of two. This is quite bananas and I can understand why people love this movie. I can’t say I love it but it is certainly amusing to watch. I’ve seen the sequel to this Mario Bava’s SHOCK but don’t recall much about it. Guess I’ll have to watch that again so I can check out Beyond the Door III.

What I do love is that, outside of the obvious sound stage stuff, a good portion of this film was shot on location in San Francisco. It’s neat to see the same streets I’ve walked many times around Union Square and down Market Street towards the Ferry Building. Early in the movie the couple are having lunch in Sausalito and I’ve been to that very spot where they are (it may even be the same restaurant w/the outdoor patio next to the bay). Second movie I’ve seen recently with prominent sequences shot in San Francisco. Really makes me want to return as I love walking around that city.


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