
I Am Vengeance (2018)

Directed by Ross Boyask

Action | Crime


When ex-soldier turned mercenary, John Gold, learns of the murder of his best friend, he sets off on a mission to find out what happened. What he discovers is a sinister conspiracy and he sets about taking down those responsible one by one.

Rated R | Length 95 minutes


Stuart Bennett | Anna Shaffer | Bryan Larkin | Gary Daniels | Sapphire Elia | Keith Allen | Orion Lee | Lorenzo de Stefano | Alex Reece | Fleur Keith | Barbara Smith

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/06/2020TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Actually viewed on 4/5/20

Saw the sequel got released so I figured I should finally watch this Stu Bennett actioner. So there’s a moment where they can take out the hero (at the cemetery early in the film) via multiple snipers with a clear shot but instead he directs them to order more body bags. What.*

Nice to see Romilda Vane get more work (Anna Shaffer).

This is fine. Nothing particularly special but watchable so I’m giving it a soft 6/10. I like the Rambo template where one mysterious ex-military dude is a super badass and wreaks havoc on the bad guys. Didn’t realize Bennett is a pro wrestler but he has some onscreen presence and I like Gary Daniels as the big bad.

*apparently this mysterious unit is just tailing him to see what he’s up to but really not interested in killing him b/c they want him to come back and work w/them again even tho he’s a target on their list. whateves - maybe the sequel dispels what all is going on there.


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