
Starbirds (1982)

Directed by Michael Part

Animation | Science Fiction | Short


Tōshō Daimos the movie is a side story based on the same mythology established in the anime TV series about a powerful super robot, Daimos and its pilot, Kazuya Ryūzaki. In this movie, the Baam send their giant robot Zeron to battle Daimos.

Rated G | Length 80 minutes

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/02/2020TVBroadcastOther6 stars

Viewing Notes

DKUTV ran a bunch of giant robot movies and episodes for their Friday Theme Night, which was Shogun Warriors (all IPs that were later repurposed in the US as Shogun Warriors).  I watched the entire 5 hour block on the rebroadcast starting around 11pm so some of these were well into Saturday morning.

This was a short movie about Daimos based on the Tōshō Daimos series. I haven’t seen any of the anime for this before so it was a bit wild to get dropped into this mythology and attempt to follow along. Half of this story is really a comedy about one of the side character robots that lives w/the human team and is trying to build a x-ray camera so he can see people naked thru the lens. Very weird! Yet not surprising. Very little of this is about the Baam poeple sending their Zeron giant robot to battle Daimos but it does happen towards the end.

This is one where watching the series would help inform the story.


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