Mirai and Haruna are shooting a show streamed on smartphones which introduces different viewer submitted videos. That day the videos were all of paranormal phenomena, carefully selected alleged accurate accounts of haunted occurrences. In the middle of one video, the image gets interrupted, immediately turning back on to show a footage that was not in the script. The video capture an urban legend rumoured at Haruna’s school. A psychic on the show assesses that a certain demonological ritual must be performed in order to rid the school of this phenomena. The director, agents and the two girls go to the school accordingly to find there is more to the video than meets the eye…
Length 92 minutes
Haruna Kawaguchi | Mirai Shida | Yasuyuki Hirano | Takashi Kodama | Yasuto Kosuda
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
05/03/2020 | TV | Broadcast | Other | 5 stars |
(Average) 5 stars |
This was the “horror from the rising sun” flick for the week on DKUTV and the last movie in their long day of programming.
Found footage that starts with real teen actors as themselves doing a tv show or maybe it’s a web show. They do a segment on ghosts and shit gets weird. It leads them to the middle school that Haruna attended where they learn about a suicide of a former student 20 years prior. There are a few spooky moments while at the school (the best being when an assistant is asked to replicate a ghost that was caught on tape and she keeps backing up to correct position that would put her in the pool but she’s not in the pool; it’s a neat effect).
By the end of the school stuff we learn what we’ve seen may not be real and yet maybe it is? Then the movie has a sequence in a movie theater that really stretches the believability (ex. the ghost is doing the handheld filming?!). For a clearly low budget affair this is okay and shows what can be done for very little. But it never really lands the scares or commits to being truly frightening with the premise it sets up (and gets silly in that finale).
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