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Rating: 6 stars


Japan tku-tv witch

All movies seen on 05/04/2020

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Young Jack and the Witch (1967)

Directed by Taiji Yabushita

Fantasy | Adventure | Animation


Jack is a boy who lives with his animal friends Barnaby Bear, Dinah Dog, Squeeker Mouse and Phineas Fox. He’s challenged to a race with Allegra, who turns out to be a witch. She takes Jack to the queen witch, Auriana. She plans on turning all her slaves into evil harpies.

Length 80 minutes


Meiko Nakamura | Chiharu Kuri | Kazuo Kumakura | Hiroshi Ohtake | Tetsuko Kuroyanagi | Youko Mizugaki

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/04/2020TVBroadcastOther6 stars

Viewing Notes

Feature film for Anime World Monday on DKUTV.


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