
The Bloodsucker Leads the Dance (1977)

Directed by Alfredo Rizzo

Mystery | Horror


A rich count invites a theatre troupe to his home on an isolated island… but soon people start getting murdered. Has the family curse struck again?

Length 89 minutes


Femi Benussi | Giacomo Rossi-Stuart | Krista Nell | Patrizia Webley | Luciano Pigozzi | Mario De Rosa | Barbara Marzano | Marzia Damon | Lidia Olizzi | Leo Valeriano | Susette Nadalutti | Pier Paola Succi | Rita Silva | Luigi Batzella | Mike Monty

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/08/2020TVStreamingVideo on Demand4 stars

Viewing Notes

A riff on Jean Rollin without the style.


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