
Santo and Blue Demon vs. Dracula and the Wolf Man (1973)

Directed by Miguel M. Delgado

Action | Horror

Most recently watched by noahphex


After facing defeat at the hands of Cristaldi the magician, Dracula is back to seek revenge and rule the world. With the help of Wolfman and his legion of followers, victory seems eminent. Professor Cristaldi, a descendant of the magician, is warned about Dracula’s plans and calls upon El Santo and Blue Demon in the hopes that they can put the infamous Count and the werewolf down for good.

Length 90 minutes


Margarito Luna | Enrique Llanes | Blue Demon | Jorge Mondragón | Antonio Raxel | Aldo Monti | Agustín Martínez Solares | Santo | Carlos León | Alfredo Wally Barrón | María Eugenia San Martín | Raúl Martínez | Carlos Suárez | Nubia Martí | Guillermo Ayala | Ángel Blanco | Renato el Hippie

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/14/2020TVDVDOwned5 stars

Viewing Notes

Seriously. I will never tire of seeing Santo wrestling in the ring filmed in a studio with nothing around the ring yet there is crowd noise. Just makes me curious as to why they didn’t film at an actual wrestling venue and fill the stands with extras. It’s just so amusing to see.

Given the premise this isn’t a very good Santo flick. It redeems itself a bit in that final battle with all the wolfmen but everything leading up to it drags. It’s kinda sad that Santo and Blue Demon couldn’t get better filmmakers to execute on these stories b/c both those wrestlers are great.

I’m glad to have this dvd set but I wish I had gotten the other one that this label released at the time. It’s nuts that this set is being sold for $400+ (I don’t think anyone is buying at that price). One of these boutique labels needs to step on and get on these films.


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