
Horse Boxing Killer (1979)

Directed by Chester Wong Chung Gwong



A handsome fighter and a beautiful martial arts warrior are foced to combine forces to combat a mutual enemy.

Length 96 minutes


Hilda Liu Hao-Yi | Yuen Siu-Tien | Wang Kuan-Hsiung | Chi-chun Chen

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/25/2020TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

This TMDb description is hilarious bc it could apply to half the kung fu movies that exist. Guessing this one is Taiwanese. Actually it’s a HK production shot in Taiwan.

This is literally one setpiece after another of form fighting battles. So little downtime bc it’s all fighting. This is also a big “I must avenge my master” flick altho I do prefer the original title CUTE FOSTER SISTER.


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