
Message From The Future (1981)

Directed by David Avidan

Science Fiction


From the year 3005, a delegate from the future arrives in 1985 to convince the present leaders make certain World War III happens, which he guarantees will make for a better future. Having already caused natural disasters and catastrophes by coming back from the future, he now tries to force his message on the world press and TV.

Length 87 minutes


David Avidan | Joseph Bee | Grisha Borodo | Zygmont Frankel | Marie Gasman | Walter Flesch | Leonard Graves

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/26/2020ComputerBroadcastOther5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

This was the third feature for the Projection Booth watch party on KAST (I skipped the first two films). Really wanted to check this one out bc it sounded bananas. And it sorta is… and sorta is not. I was into for the first half but when the time traveler gets more “active” it just loses me. Feels like they could’ve done more if that is where they were taking the story. Based on the premise it should’ve have a little more punch to that finale.

Definitely an interesting movie that has a very disco score, which is amusing b/c it was already passé by this time in the US.


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