
Operation Ganymed (1977)

Directed by Rainer Erler

Science Fiction | Drama


A spaceship returns to Earth after several years of space exploration and finds it desolate. Landing in what they believe is Mexico, the crew decides to travel north, and try to find out what happened to Earth during the years they were gone.

Length 118 minutes


Horst Frank | Dieter Laser | Jürgen Prochnow | Uwe Friedrichsen | Claus Theo Gärtner

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/07/2020TVBroadcastOther6 stars

Viewing Notes

Rather dry German post-apocalyptic survival film that flirts with the human condition. It’s also riff on PLANET OF THE APES w/o the apes, substituting the nuclear threat instead bc that was a thing in late 70s early 80s. Gotta hand it to DKUTV for programming yet another movie I hadn’t heard of until today (part of their Tuesday Space Station Europa lineup). There’s some good stuff here but the movie is longer than it needs to be for this story. It’s 30 minutes before the astronauts finally return to Earth. That could’ve been trimmed by 15minutes to amp up the effect of their return to an desolate planet.

My biggest issue is that these astronauts apparently had zero survival training, which seems unlikely. I would think that if a group of astronauts lands anywhere on the Earth they would know precisely how to navigate the terrain and apply survival tactics. This group seems largely ignorant of this and does some dumb things as a result. It detracts from the desperate predicament they’re faced with bc they have to deal with their own stupidity. I still thought this was mostly fascinating especially the flashbacks to the mission to the Jupiter moon and the hallucinations (apparently a beautiful woman with a bottle of Coca-Cola is a desirable mirage to see out in the desert).


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