
Fuel (2021)

Directed by Araki Yu

Documentary | Short


This film about an expert griller working at one of the original and oldest Robata-yaki restaurants in Japan subtly refers to indigenous Ainu culture, as well as envisages the environmental movement in contemporary society

Length 16 minutes

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/31/2020TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Initially I wasn’t so keen on this which is basically someone pointing an iPhone at this master griller at a renowned robata-yaki restaurant as she does her thing. Like, I’ve been to robata-yaki joints (there’s a great one in Palo Alto that Yumi and I would visit). I could stand or sit over by the chefs and film them then post it to YT and call it a short film.

However, as this short film progress it becomes a bit hypnotic and comforting. Afterwards I watched the intro by the director and it provided more insight that made me appreciate the film more. Made me wish that I had filmed more artisans at the various food stalls in Japan.


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