
Escape (2012)

Directed by Roar Uthaug

Action | Thriller

Most recently watched by sensoria, seanCduregger


Ten years after the Black Death devastated the country, a poor family sets out on a journey to search for better living conditions. In a deserted mountain pass, they are attacked by a gang of ruthless killer thieves. The only one spared is 19 year old Signe. She is taken prisoner, and the gang brings her back to their camp. Here, she soon learns that they have a fate worse than death in store for her, and realises that her only hope is to escape.

Length 76 minutes


Isabel Christine Andreasen | Ingrid Bolsø Berdal | Kristian Espedal | Hallvard Holmen | Bjørn Moan | Milla Olin | Iren Reppen | Eirik Holden Rotheim | Hans Jacob Sand | Tobias Santelmann | Richard Skog | Martin Slaatto | Clara Lien Sunde

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/21/2020TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars
08/01/2016TVDVDRented6 stars

Viewing Notes

Saw Rob Hunter’s recommendation for this and decided to fire it up on Prime since it’s not long. Thoroughly enjoyed this taut Norwegian period thriller… and then I looked it up here. Whoops! I’ve seen this already. Almost 4 years to the day. What’s really got me shaken is that I have zero recollection of this movie. Like nada. Zilch. Nothing was even remotely familiar. The story. The characters. Nothing.

I guess I was lukewarm on it but I really enjoyed it on this viewing. Not sure what my deal was back then but this is a cool little flick.

It did have me wondering about the geography and how Signe was able to find her way back to the cabin then later the campsite. I’ve done my share of backcountry backpacking on similar terrain, and without trails it is still very difficult to navigate even with a topo map and compass. Kinda made me think that Signe was more of a badass than she let on, esp. her new found ability to use a bow.

Makes more sense why this director was chosen for the TOMB RAIDER reboot. The bandits reminded me a lot of the hidden mountain tribe in the second TR game, RISE OF THE TOMB RAIDER. I still haven’t seen his COLD PREY so I requested it from the library.


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