
Love and Honor (2006)

Directed by Yôji Yamada

Drama | Melodrama


A look at the relationship between a young blind samurai and his wife, who will make a sacrifice in order to defend her husband’s honor.

Rated R | Length 121 minutes


Takuya Kimura | Rei Dan | Takashi Sasano | Kaori Momoi | Nenji Kobayashi | Ken Ogata | Bandō Mitsugorō X | Makoto Akatsuka | Toshiki Ayata | Kôen Kondô | Nobuto Okamoto | Tokie Hidari | Yasuo Daichi

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/16/2020TVDVDLibrary6 stars

Viewing Notes

This is the type of story that could’ve been done in any period but I suppose setting this in feudal Japan gives the revenge element a bit of extra oomph. Understandably I can see how this was nominated and won a few awards and accolades but it didn’t really bowl me over. The protag is a dick to his wife (and manservant) and the unfortunate circumstances that lead to his handicap make him more of a dick. So the redemption arc didn’t work for me. The added melodrama is also a tad syrupy.


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