
Please Hold (2020)

Directed by K.D. Dávila

Science Fiction | Short


A young man’s life is suddenly and inexplicably derailed, as he finds himself at the mercy of automated ‘justice’.

Length 18 minutes


Erick Lopez | Doreen Calderon | Daniel Edward Mora | Ruben Dávila | John Alton | Greg Karber | Dani Messerschmidt | Brian Paison | Shaun S. Sutton | Devon Dávila | Rubina Dávila | Nadia Trinidad

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/26/2020TVStreamingVideo on Demand6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Finished up the remaining short films from the Fantastic Shorts package since I had to jump out of the live viewing for the TR TV watch party.

This one is pretty good and well executed. It’s one of those “look where we’re headed with technology and automation for crimes” sci-fi tales that’s also a dark comedy. Given how poorly real police handle crimes now I can totally see this scenario play out if left to computers and drones to issue arrests.


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