
Discopath (2013)

Directed by Renaud Gauthier

Horror | Crime


The mid-70’s: A timid young New Yorker leads an uneventful life until he is fatefully exposed to the pulsating rhythms of a brand-new genre of music….disco. Unable to control his murderous impulses that stem from a traumatic childhood experience, Duane Lewis transforms into a dangerous serial killer exiled to Montreal.

Length 81 minutes


Jérémie Earp | Sandrine Bisson | Ingrid Falaise | Christian Paul | Katherine Cleland | Mathieu Lepage | Pierre Lenoir | François Aubin | Ivan Freud | Catherine Antaki | Nancy Blais | Sibylle Gauthier

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/07/2020ComputerBroadcastOther6.5 stars
10/25/2020TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

This is like if Astron6 made a straight homage to euro-horror specifically italo-horror, rather than an on-the-nose spoof like THE EDITOR. This has that occasionally awkward and stilted acting yet a total send-up to those kinds of films. Closer to a 5/10 but I give it props for going for it and nailing the period rather well. 

This is the kind of movie I’d expect to see at Windy City Horrorama.


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