
Bacurau (2019)

Directed by Kleber Mendonça Filho, Juliano Dornelles

Mystery | Western | Thriller


Bacurau, a small town in the Brazilian sertão, mourns the loss of its matriarch, Carmelita, who lived to be 94. Days later, its inhabitants notice that their community has vanished from most maps.

Length 131 minutes


Bárbara Colen | Thomas Aquino | Silvero Pereira | Sônia Braga | Udo Kier | Thardelly Lima | Rubens Santos | Wilson Rabelo | Carlos Francisco | Luciana Souza | Karine Teles | Antonio Saboia | Lia de Itamaracá | Buda Lira | Clébia Souza | Danny Barbosa | Edilson Silva | Eduarda Samara | Fabiola Liper | Ingrid Trigueiro | Jamila Facury | Jr. Black | Márcio Fecher | Rodger Rogério | Suzy Lopes | Uirá dos Reis | Val Junior | Valmir do Côco | Zoraide Coleto | Jonny Mars | Alli Willow | James Turpin | Julia Marie Peterson | Brian Townes | Charles Hodges | Chris Doubek

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/04/2020TVDVDLibrary7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Really cool modern western that gives a socio-political spin on the genre film. Earlier this year this film was getting a lot of buzz having hit virtual screenings, and I teased the idea of renting it from Film Center but decided to wait it out (I even muted the word “Bacurau” on twitter bc it was getting mentioned so often in my TL). Finally the DVD showed up at my library so I was able to see it.

Bacurau has a very Five Fingers for Marseilles (2018) vibe to it. Totally different story but it had me thinking back to that movie a few times (and made me want to revisit that flick). Also the kind of flick that I’d see on MUBI or Kanopy (it is currently streaming on Criterion, which I don’t have).

I am sad that due to this fucking pandemic we missed the opportunity to see it on the big screen. This would be a neat film to see big and I think it would play better in that situation. Or if you have a home theater like Ron. It really is a beautiful movie in its own dirty, dusty rural Brazilian kind of way.

This would be a good one to watch at Ron’s so maybe someday I’ll have that chance. Maybe do a Five Fingers for Marseilles and Bacurau double feature!

update: holy shit! Michael Matthews, who directed Five Fingers, is the director for one of my favorite movies of this year LOVE & MONSTERS. Now I really want to revisit Five Fingers.


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