
Virtual Combat (1995)

Directed by Andrew Stevens

Action | Science Fiction


Two Nevada border officers, Dave Quarry and John, amuse themselves off duty by honing their kick-boxing skills via virtual reality combat. Elsewhere, a computer tycoon prepares to market his company’s latest invention, a combination of DNA and virtual reality that creates beings and creatures who look and feel real.

Rated R | Length 91 minutes


Don Wilson | Michael Bernardo | Athena Massey | Ken McLeod | Dawn Ann Billings | Michael Dorn | Stella Stevens | Carrie Mitchum | Larry Poindexter | Rip Taylor | Johnny Williams | Ron Barker | Gilbert Lewis | Turhan Bey | Loren Avedon | J.D. Rifkin | Kelly Hirano | Peggy Trentini | Randall Shiro Ideishi | Andre McCoy

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/14/2021TVStreamingVideo on Demand5 stars

Viewing Notes

Another Don “the Dragon” Wilson flick that showed up in my recommendations to no one’s surprise (they have a lot of his movies available and I’d love to watch them all). Decided to give this one a spin while sorting trash because this looked like trash. And it mostly is pretty trashy yet in a fun, dopey way. Also appropriate it was directed by a king of trash DTV cinema Andrew Stevens.

The most hilarious aspect of this is just the “science” of bringing to life virtual game characters. This movie belongs at B-Fest if they were ever actually have good programming again. Give it a solid 5 for being so over the top with all the overacting and silly plotting.


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