
Vanguard (2020)

Directed by Stanley Tong

Action | Adventure

Most recently watched by sensoria


Covert security company Vanguard is the last hope of survival for an accountant after he is targeted by the world’s deadliest mercenary organization.

Rated PG-13 | Length 107 minutes


Jackie Chan | Yang Yang | Allen Ai Lun | Miya Muqi | Xu Ruo-Han | Jackson Liu | Iyad Hoorani | Zhu Zhengting | Yang Jian-Ping | Zhou Bin | Wang Yanlong | Roy Wong Kui | Can Aydin | Sayed Badreya | Temur Mamisashvili | Guo Zhi-Yan | Jacinda Li | Tomer Oz | Brahim Achabbakhe | Alberto Bossum | Luc Bendza | Stanley Tong | Basa | Ren Gaoliang | Zhu Xueliang | Wang Teng

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/22/2021Home TheaterBlu-rayBorrowed6 stars

Viewing Notes

Corny a lot of the time but also occasionally badass. Totally my kind of silly entertainment and one that would’ve been great to see in the theater last year. That said, Ron’s home theater was the ideal substitute. I’d love to watch a bunch of making of and BTS featurettes plus interviews with the cast. They really sell their onscreen martial arts prowess!


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