
Sentinelle (2021)

Directed by Julien Leclercq

Drama | Action

Most recently watched by sensoria


Transferred home after a traumatizing combat mission, a highly trained French soldier uses her lethal skills to hunt down the man who hurt her sister.

Rated NR | Length 80 minutes


Olga Kurylenko | Marilyn Lima | Michel Nabokoff | Martin Swabey | Carole Weyers | Andrey Gorlenko | Antonia Malinova | Gabriel Almaer | Blaise Afonso | Guillaume Duhesme | Michel Biel | Mustapha Makhada | Salmane Taydi | Erico Salamone | Mikael Cassoli | Olivier Massart | Doriane Pasquale | Alain Eloy | Sarah Al Sayed Obeid | Stéphanie Pareja | Marine Duvivier | Eric Castex | Grigory Collomb | Baptiste Leclercq | Mélissa Humler

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/24/2021Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Cool flick for Olga kurylenko to stretch her acting chops. More drama than action but a nice deliberate buildup towards the finale. Would love to see her work with one of the Indonesian directors (maybe pair her with Julie Estelle) for some real fireworks.


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