
Traxx (1988)

Directed by Jerome Gary

Action | Comedy

Most recently watched by zombiefreak


Traxx has battled his way through El Salvador, the Middle East and Nicaragua, spitting lead with two-handed good grace. He decides to retire to a life of baking designer cookies. Running out of dough to buy more dough, he hires himself as a “Town Tamer” and begins cleaning up Hadleyville, Texas, telling the lowlife street scum, “You got three choices. Be good, be gone, or be dead.” Like all bacteria, the scum are resistant: crime boss Aldo Palucci (Robert Davi) brings in the dreaded Guzik brothers to rid the town of the town tamer, setting the stage for a showdown in the streets.

Rated R | Length 84 minutes


Shadoe Stevens | Priscilla Barnes | Willard E. Pugh | Robert Davi | John Hancock | Hugh Gillin | Michael Kirk | Raymond O'Connor | Herschel Sparber | Jonathan Lutz | Lucius Houghton | Darrow Igus | Arlene Lorre | Wally Amos | Wallace Merck | Jerry Colker | Rick Overton | Robert Miano | Steve Boles | J. Michael Hunter | Leon Rippy | Stephen Ware | Bill Betts | Derwin E. Luby | Bev Appleton | Graham Smith | Kim Weeks | Jon Thompson | Jim Gloster | James G. Martin Jr. | Suzanne Primeau | Karen L. Kristopher | Rodney Suiter | Michael Holowaty | Tony Lea | Michael Decker | Pat Miller | William Arvay | Amanda Graham | Shirlene Foss | Martin Tucker | Richard K. Olsen | Irene Stewart | C.D. Roberts | Howard Kingkade | Art Kohn | Martin Zehring | Domenic Secondo | G.B. Wallace | Lou Criscuolo | Richie Giachetti | Annamarie Smith | Mark R. Smith | Stephen Howard | Dorothy M. Craig | David R. Greene Sr. | Chuck Kinlaw | Gwendolyn Hajek | Tom Mason | Ruth Gottlieb | Janice Hart | Jim Simmons | Colette Robinson | Tammy Simpson Jones | Tina Renee Jackson | Ashley Woodman Hall | Elizabeth Arlen | Robert J. Maxwell | Eric Tilley | George Lee

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/10/2021ComputerBroadcastOther4.5 stars

Viewing Notes

First flick in Paul’s “no theme” watch party via Kast. Based on the clues he provided earlier in the week I suspected that TRAXX was one of the movies. Since it was one I haven’t seen yet heard often heard about I joined the watch party while I ate my late dinner. This is a little worse than I anticipated. However, it does have its moments and it is certainly a movie that is better viewed with others having fun with it and making fun of it. It’s just too dopey for me to care about or want to revisit.


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