
Lambada (1990)

Directed by Joel Silberg

Music | Drama


Kevin Laird is a Beverly Hills school teacher by day and a mystery man by night. Using his lambada dance moves to first earn the kid’s respect and acceptance, Kevin then teaches them academics. But when a jealous student exposes Kevin’s double life, his two worlds collide, threatening his job and reputation.

Rated PG-13 | Length 104 minutes


Melora Hardin | J. Eddie Peck | Leticia Vasquez | Adolfo Quinones | Rita Bland | Ricky Paull Goldin | Basil Hoffman | Dennis Burkley | Keene Curtis | Thalmus Rasulala | Jimmy Locust | Edgar Godineaux | Kayla Blake | Gina Ravera | J.W. Fails | Eddie Garcia | Tony Burrer | Debra Hopkins | Vincent Tumeo | Eric Taslitz | William Marquez | Matt Feemster | Kristina Starman | Michael Phenicie | Rick Mali | Bonita Money

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/23/2021ComputerBroadcastOther4 stars

Viewing Notes

Dinner & movie: Jef Burnham took over TRR TV for a program of music / dance themed movies released by Cannon. This is not a good movie and super cringey having the high school students chase after a male teacher who is married with a kid. So gross. Also, very little dancing or Lambada despite the title. This is a rich kids vs poor kids story.


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