
Dragon Soldiers (2021)

Directed by Hank Braxtan

Action | Fantasy | Adventure


In a suburban town, a deadly monster lurks in the surrounding forest, killing all those who wander too close. Desperate to stop the attack, a group of elite soldiers are called in to handle the situation. The hunters quickly become the hunted as they struggle to kill the terrifying, fire-breathing beast.

Rated R | Length 90 minutes


Antuone Torbert | Ruben Pla | Heath C. Heine | Tarkan Dospil | Asa Forsyth | Motown Maurice | Arielle Brachfeld | Dan Sinclair | Butch Mccain

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/27/2021TVDVDLibrary4 stars

Viewing Notes

Ideal trash movie for sorting trash. Clearly wants to be REIGN OF FIRE with a fraction of the budget. A very small fraction as the CGI is quite awful in most spots. Also stars Ruben Pla whom I really don’t like after viewing his sycophant L.A. horror documentary last year. tbh had I know he was a primary lead I probably wouldn’t have bothered viewing this.

On plus side this is set in and actually shot on location in western Colorado, which was neat to see. Much of the terrain did look very familiar before I realized it was taking place in Colorado. The lead mercenary is good and carries a lot of the movie. That said, it’s all pretty hokey that there’s a dragon just out there and no one has figured this out until this expedition / mission. Also, the dragon’s breath makes ppl crazy? it’s weird. Not a good movie but certainly good enough to throw on while working on other stuff.


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