
Mother (1995)

Directed by Frank LaLoggia

Drama | Thriller

Most recently watched by lolareels


Weisser is a young college bound man whose future is threatened when his mother interferes with his love life and a pending scholarship. He also discovers that his mother’s best friend wishes to get closer to him, even if it means murder.

Rated R | Length 96 minutes


Diane Ladd | Olympia Dukakis | Morgan Weisser | Ele Keats | Matt Clark | Scott Wilson | Lucy Lee Flippin | Phyllis Applegate | Jack Andreozzi | Steven Anderson | Sean McNamara

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/08/2021ComputerBroadcastOther5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Second movie in Paul’s watch party via Kast with a Mother’s Day theme since tomorrow is Mother’s Day. I missed the first film bc I was out having dinner w/friends but got home just in time to see a few of the in-between bits before the start of this movie. This is all Diane Ladd and Olympia Dukakis. Everything else around them is kinda drab bc they both showed up to really go for the crazy.

RIP Olympia
June 20, 1931—May 1, 2021


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