
Crazy Desires of a Murderer (1977)

Directed by Filippo Walter Ratti

Mystery | Thriller

Most recently watched by sensoria


A group of hip friends gather at a Gothic castle owned by a wheelchair- bound older relative of one of the girls. One couple in the group, unbeknownst to the others, is smuggling heroin in some Chinese artifacts the protagonist has brought back from the Orient to give to her elderly relative. Meanwhile the deranged uncle of the protagonist, who supposedly killed the protagonist’s mother (his own sister) and cut out her eyes, is wandering the catacombs spying on everyone. When one of the guests is murdered and her eyes subsequently disappear, suspicion naturally falls on the mad uncle. But is he being set up?

Length 85 minutes


Corrado Gaipa | Isabelle Marchall | Annie Carol Edel | Patrizia Gori | Gaetano Russo | Giuseppe Colombo | Roberto Zattini | Adler Gray | Rino Bellini | Ambrogio Molteni | Sergio Orsi | Stuart Brisbane Colin

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/09/2023TVBlu-rayOwned6 stars
05/16/2021ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Had a bad headache that seemingly came out of nowhere so I did what most ppl do and watched a giallo without subtitles. Thought this might be one of the films in the Forgotten Giallo sets since it was on Tubi but no subs so probably not (also no VinSyn logo at the end).

Anyways this one isn’t too hard to follow thanks to the description here but the finale is a little confusing. I’d definitely view this again with the English subtitles.


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