
Things (1989)

Directed by Andrew Jordan


Most recently watched by sensoria, zombiefreak, krazykat


An impotent husband with a fanatical desire to father children, forces his wife to undergo a dangerous experiment. This results in the birth of a multitude of monstrous THINGS.

Length 84 minutes


Amber Lynn | Barry J. Gillis | Bruce Roach | Doug Bunston | Jan W. Pachul | Patricia Sadler

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/04/2021TVBroadcastVideo on Demand5 stars
05/05/2012TVDVDOwned6 stars

Viewing Notes

Tbh I was surprised that Joe Bob featured a “bottom feeder” double on The Last Drive-in. Technically not a SOV but sure does look like one, this is another ideal movie to view with the right crowd. It was treat to see this again with Ron. So many hilarious moments mostly with the dubbed dialogue track. I appreciate what Joe Bob said at the end and it sums up my feelings toward these kinds of movies. Sure, this may not be a *good* movie but these guys still went for it and did something 99 percent of others who talk about making movies did not do. They made the best movie they could with their limited budget, experience, and skills. But they made a goddamn movie.


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