
S He (2018)

Directed by Shengwei Zhou

Animation | Fantasy


In a dystopian world, male shoes dominate and the females—high-heels with spindly vines—are kept strictly for breeding purposes. Under disguise, a female breaks loose and attempts to move beyond her confines. Her attempt alters not only her fate but the very fabric of society.

Length 95 minutes


Fuyang Lyu | Shengwei Zhou

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/02/2021TVStreamingVideo on Demand7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Finally got internet in my new apartment so of course I had to watch something so I checked the “expiring soon” tab on Mubi and remembered that I really wanted to see this insane stop motion animation feature.

I can’t imagine the amount of hours it took to produce this but I’m sure it was years of work. The surface level story is obviously about gender inequality but there’s also an allegory for conversion therapy and transgender issues. Specifically about being someone you’re not in order to fit in yet how others will perceive you if you are different. Works on multiple levels and I applaud it for that. I will say this this has a really great first hour then loses me in the final chapter. Not sure what it’s going for there w/the aging and withering motif but I’m sure I could piece it together w/an ageism sentiment in addition to time is fleeting.

Overall, a cool mixed media stopmo flick using mostly found objects. I like the BTS pics during the end credits that show how they created this movie.


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