
You Will Never Be Back (2021)

Directed by Mónica Mateo

Science Fiction | Mystery | Short


Ana and David say goodbye like any other day. The young lady has plans, but she won’t be late. However, something extraordinary happens; something that alters her reality and changes everything completely.

Length 14 minutes


Ximena Vera | Chumo Mata | Laura de Pedro | Darío Paso | Juana Andueza | Carolo Ruiz

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/08/2021TVStreamingVideo on Demand6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Third short film in the Etheria Film Festival selection via Shudder. Unlike the previous sci-fi mystery, NARROW, this one works and is unsettling. The apartment building is also very creepy and reminded me of that old hotel I stay at in San Francisco.


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