
Fatal Exam (1990)

Directed by Jack Snyder


Most recently watched by sensoria


A group of parapsychology students, as part of their final project, head to a secluded house where a man murdered his entire family. Soon, they discover the dark and terrible secrets that lie within.

Rated R | Length 112 minutes


Mike Coleman | Terry Comer | Carol Fitzgerald Carlberg | Paul Steger | Gilio Gherardini | Joe Midyett | Maureen Lampert | Greg Rhodes | Teresa Nienhaus | Mike Suzor | Dave Mayer | Karen Greer | Joan Lang | Walter Otten, Jr. | Shirley Snyder | Ted Burke

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/28/2021Home TheaterBlu-rayBorrowed4 stars

Viewing Notes

A good example of a bad movie that is entertaining to watch esp. with others. Terrible acting and hilarious dialogue give it a charm that is worth admiring. It’s like a group of friends just decided to make a movie and they did it! Perfect addition for the homegrown horrors set. I would’ve loved to have viewed this with our friend Pat.


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