
Born Pisces (2020)

Directed by Yoko Yamanaka

Drama | Short


10-year-old children Midori and Futa live separate lives. Both feel alone and isolated from their parents. They struggle to be kids under the stress and weight of their fractured family lives.

Length 30 minutes


Maharu Nemoto | Ryou Togawa | Kinuo Yamada

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/26/2021TVStreamingVideo on Demand6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Not sure what to make of this one but I like it. The adults are assholes so it’s no wonder the children are the way they are. Neat that many of the JAPAN CUTS films I’ve seen thus far have been set in more rural Japan or at least not Tokyo. What’s interesting to see is when their living space at home looks more spacious and less cramped.


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