
RED TABLE (2021)

Directed by Hakhyun Kim

Animation | Short


Mesmerizing play with a toy train set blends with bloodthirsty greed in a young boy’s playtime over a red tabletop in this whimsical animation. -JAPAN CUTS: Festival of New Japanese Film

Length 7 minutes


Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/22/2021TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars
08/21/2021ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Another rewatch in my 48hr window. Wanted to see this weird animated short on my TV bc it’s so colorful and bizarre. This is absolutely the type of short film I could see in front of a feature at Fantastic Fest or in one of their Drawn & Quartered short film blocks


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