
Halloween Party (1989)

Directed by Dave Skowronski


Most recently watched by sensoria


A shot-on-video slasher that aired on public access cable television in Connecticut.

Length 38 minutes


Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/16/2021TVBroadcastTV5 stars

Viewing Notes

Eighth movie of the 24hr mind melter marathon with this hint: “a bunch of pals get together to party.” HAHAHAHA

This is shot-on-video flick made by high schoolers set on halloween night with a crazed killer after them. And of course they use the actual Halloween movie theme music. So bad yet so adorable to see these teens in this movie. After the movie there’s a 10 minute blooper / BTS segment. So good. This is exactly how we would’ve done it back in the 80s. Definitely a highlight of the marathon.


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