
Bell from Hell (1974)

Directed by Claudio Guerín

Horror | Drama


When John is released from a psychiatric center where he has been hospitalized for a long time, he decides to move into the house of his dead mother, whose inheritance is in dispute.

Rated NR | Length 94 minutes


Renaud Verley | Viveca Lindfors | Alfredo Mayo | Maribel Martín | Nuria Gimeno | Christina von Blanc | Saturno Cerra | Nicole Vesperini | Erasmo Pascual | Antonio Puga | Juan Cazalilla | Tito García | Rosetta Vellisca | Ángel Blanco | Susana Latour

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/28/2021TVStreamingVideo on Demand6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Found this on Tubi and started watching… the weirdness of it got me glued into the story. Very seventies and EuroHorror. This version was the American cut which is around 15 shorter. Found a longer cut on Hoopla so I may give it a watch to compare. Feels like a movie that Severin or VS would release (maybe they have?).


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