
Let Me In (2017)

Directed by James Trimboli

Thriller | Comedy


A family loses their husband and father due to a violent murder in their house, in which the killer was never caught. They move away and return years later only to discover that the father’s killer is living in a hidden room inside the house. Strange circumstances unfold that they can’t explain, an Irish nun makes unexpected house calls and is working her way inside the house to see her daughter.

Length 74 minutes


James Trimboli | Jane Pascoe | Rosheen McKell | Jennine Trimboli | Natalie Krkovska

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/07/2021ComputerBroadcastOther4 stars

Viewing Notes

Thirteenth movie in the TRR marathon and the only one that I had zero guesses as to what this could be. Not surprised I wouldn’t know that bc it was a total DIY joint by James Trimboli, who I am completely unfamiliar with… until now!

WOW! This is one of those rare terrible movies that I want to see more of this young director’s work. It’s so bad and all the non-actors acting is so bad. I was so tired but couldn’t stop laughing. The premise is outrageous and ridiculous. I really hope Coffman does a Trimboli night as we requested. I need to see more of this strange work.

hint: Hilariously weird, heartwarming outsider cinema home video as “psychological thriller”
13. ??????


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