
Armour of God (1986)

Directed by Jackie Chan, Eric Tsang

Action | Adventure

Most recently watched by sensoria, krazykat


Jackie Chan stars as Asian Hawk, an Indiana Jones-style adventurer looking to make a fortune in exotic antiquities. After Hawk discovers a mysterious sword in Africa, a band of Satan-worshipping monks kidnap his ex-girlfriend Lorelei, demanding the sword as ransom as well as other pieces of the legendary Armour of God - a magical outfit dating back to the Crusades.

Rated PG-13 | Length 97 minutes


Jackie Chan | Alan Tam | Lola Forner | Rosamund Kwan | Ken Boyle | John Ladalski | Robert O'Brien | Boris Gregorić | Marcia Chisholm | Linda Denley | Stephanie Evans | Alicia Shonte | Vivian Wickliffe | Anthony Chan | Danny Yip | Carina Lau | Clarence Fok Yiu-leung | Kenny Bee | Bennett Pang Kin-San | Božidar Smiljanić | Wayne Archer | Yee Tin-Hung | Geoffrey Brown | Gary Carter | Johnny Cheung Wa

Viewing History (seen 5 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/21/2024TVBlu-rayOwned7.5 stars
01/08/2022Home TheaterBlu-rayBorrowed7 stars
12/27/2013TVBlu-rayOwned7.5 stars
08/21/2012TVBlu-rayOwned7 stars
08/21/2012TVBlu-rayOwned8 stars

Viewing Notes

Joined Ron’s birthday bash movie marathon about halfway into this movie. The second half is the better half despite how ridiculous it becomes.


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