
Shaolin Kung Fu (1974)

Directed by Joseph Kuo, Lau Sau-Wa

Action | Eastern

Most recently watched by sensoria


Tongyang brings his rickshaws into town and starts using his hired muscle to dominate the clientele.

Length 91 minutes


Chiang-Lung Wen | Yuan Yi | Lu Ping | Liu Hsiu-Yun | Yi Hung | Shen Yuen | Yeung San-San | Chao Tseng | Yen Chung | Hu Chiu-ping | Cheung Yee-Boon | Chang Peng | Mark Lung | Shih Ting-Ken | Li Tsui | Peng-Yi Chang | Ming Cheng Tseng | Wu Kuang

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/24/2022TVBlu-rayOwned6 stars

Viewing Notes

Sunday afternoon is the ideal time for kung fu flicks.


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