
GARO -Gold Storm- Sho (2015)

Directed by Keita Amemiya

Action | Fantasy


Ryuga and Makai Priest Rian attempt to cleanse the Golden Armor when they are confronted by living weapons- the Madou– who have another way to free the world from Horrors. In the process, Ryuga will unlock a new stage of power referred to as Garo Sho.

Length 82 minutes


Wataru Kuriyama | Miki Nanri | Sakina Kuwae | Shunya Isaka | Akira Emoto | Shigeru Izumiya | Momoko Kuroki | Hironobu Kageyama

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/10/2022TVBroadcastTV6 stars

Viewing Notes

I’ll probably never understand the complete mythology of the GARO series but I do like watching Keita Amemiya films even when he relies more on CGI than he needs to.


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