
Killer's Romance (1990)

Directed by Phillip Ko

Action | Romance | Thriller


A triad assassin is sent to kill a female witness to a murder only to fall in love with her instead.

Length 92 minutes


Simon Yam | Joey Wong | Philip Ko | Luk Chuen | Chan Fung-Chi | Ka Man | Lau Siu-Ming | Kenichi Ishida | Jason Pai Piao | Foo Wang-Tat | Carman Lee | Ling Hon | Fung Wai-Lun | Yiu Chaan-Lam | Hoh Wan | Kim Sang-wook

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/11/2022TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Another HK Crying Freeman adaptation released in the same year?! And also set at Christmas time?! What the hell HK cinema?! This one isn’t nearly as good as DRAGON FROM RUSSIA nor as batshit bonkers but what is, really?

Here we have Simon Yam as the assassin taking out all of his Japanese family’s enemies. He’s seen by the always fetching Joey Wong then the shit goes down. For the first half of the movie I wondered if anything substantial or interesting was gonna happen. Was considering giving this a 4.5 or 5 tops just for the leads. Then the third act lights up the action and redeems that slog of a first half. Had the entire film had that kind of energy this would easily be a 7 or 8.

Despite the dull buildup to that wonderful third act I’d still get this on Blu if any label did a new scan and whatnot. It has two marquee stars, based on a popular manga and shot on location in London, goddamnit.

Seriously that entire third act is pretty darn fantastic and worth the slog to get there. Like Phillip Ko wanted to make his THE KILLER mixed w/the story of Crying Freeman. Also proves that any good action director can make anyone look like a martial arts badass. Simon Yam just destroying dudes in this.

I need to check but I think Yam is using the Robocop gun in one of the shootout sequences.


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