
Queen of Outer Space (1958)

Directed by Edward Bernds

Science Fiction | Adventure

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, sensoria


A mission to Venus discovers the planet inhabited only by women led by their evil Queen Yllana. Yllana had all the men of Venus killed, now that’s she met Earth men, she wants them dead, too.

Rated NR | Length 80 minutes


Zsa Zsa Gabor | Eric Fleming | Dave Willock | Laurie Mitchell | Lisa Davis | Paul Birch | Patrick Waltz | Barbara Darrow | Marilyn Buferd | Mary Ford | Marya Stevens | Laura Mason | Lynn Cartwright | Kathy Marlowe | Coleen Drake | Joi Lansing | Tania Velia

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/22/2022TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars
06/25/2011TVBroadcastTV6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Pretty wild to watch this now in our current climate. Problematic issues aside I really love how vibrant the colors are. Wonder if this got a decent Blu release.


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