
The Devil's Machine (2019)

Directed by Lawrie Brewster

Supernatural | Horror


Antique expert Brendon Cole is summoned to authenticate a 300-year-old clockwork doll with a notoriously dark history known as The Inferno Princess. In the remote Highlands mansion where it has recently been uncovered, Brendon soon finds himself the victim of the automaton’s legendary curse as the malevolent forces surrounding it are terrifyingly awakened.

Length 95 minutes


Jamie Scott Gordon | Erich Redman | Alexandra Nicole Hulme | Jon Vangdal Aamaas | Victoria Lucie | Jonathan Hansler | Keith Robson | Richard Pate | Nick Ford | Richard Southard | Greg Orsi | Hana Mackenzie | Andrew Gourlay | Gordon Holliday | Craig J. Seath | Iain Mitchell Leslie | Stephen Kerr | Christopher David Burton | Kristijan Krpina | D.T. Wilson | Christina Strachan | joseph ruddleston | Gavin Hugh | Grant Robert Keelan | Jeannie Tatum Pate

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/13/2022TVBlu-rayOwned5 stars

Viewing Notes

This is totally the type of film I’d see at Juggernaut Film Fest. In fact I did see a short at Nightmares called The Automaton that was also released in 2019 and involves this clockwork doll. The original title for this movie was AUTOMATA but I get why they changed it.

There’s some good stuff in this but it suffers from a little kitchen sink-itus; just too many ideas and plot devices crammed into this story. By the end nothing makes sense. Oddly very safe when it really had some opportunities to get much darker and scarier especially having this creepy lifesize mechanical doll.


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