
The Killer Meteors (1976)

Directed by Lo Wei

Action | Eastern

Most recently watched by sensoria


Mi Wey is a local hero named after “Killer Meteors”, his secret weapon which makes him invincible. However, when “Immortal” Wa Wu Bin, another powerful local character seeks his assistance, Killer Meteor will face the greatest and the deadliest challenge of his life.

Rated PG-13 | Length 104 minutes


Jimmy Wang Yu | Jackie Chan | Yu Ling-Lung | Lily Lan | Tung Lam | Ma Chi | Lee Si-Si | Chan Wai-Lau | Wang Ruo-Ping | Lee Man-Tai | Philip Ko | Woo Wai | Weng Hsiao-Hu | Hsieh Han | Ma Cheung | Henry Luk Yat-Lung | Man Man | Lee Keung | Hu Han-Chang | Ng Ho | Shen-lin Chen

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/18/2022Home TheaterBlu-rayBorrowed7 stars

Viewing Notes

Interesting slow burn kung fu flick that’s more like a palace intrigue story with a little action sprinkled around. Then ends with a crazy finale. What I like about this is that it just drops the viewer into the story to piece things together… like who is the Hero Mei (Jimmy Wang Yu) and why is he a big deal and what the heck are the Killer Meteors. As usual there’s more than enough story beats and plotting crammed into this convoluted movie but it’s colorful and fun and before Jackie found his brand (and eye surgery) to make it a fascinating watch.


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