
Spider (2002)

Directed by David Cronenberg

Drama | Mystery

Most recently watched by sensoria


A mentally disturbed man takes residence in a halfway house. His mind gradually slips back into the realm created by his illness, where he replays a key part of his childhood.

Rated R | Length 98 minutes


Ralph Fiennes | Miranda Richardson | Gabriel Byrne | Lynn Redgrave | John Neville | Philip Craig | Bradley Hall | Gary Reineke | Sara Stockbridge | Cliff Saunders | Tara Ellis | Arthur Whybrow | Nicola Duffett | Jake Nightingale | Donald Ewer | Joan Heney | Peter Elliott | Alec Stockwell | Scott McCord | Rachel Taggart

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/20/2022TVDVDBorrowed6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Quiet, understated film that this poor PQ dvd does no favors. Borrowed from Ron bc I don’t own this one but hoping it would be decent quality. It’s a akin to viewing a movie on Kanopy. Anyways, this is an interesting film that I’d like to watch again with a better transfer.


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