
A Pure Place (2021)

Directed by Nikias Chryssos


Most recently watched by sensoria


A tale of dirt, soap, and magic set in a cult on a remote Greek island.

Length 90 minutes


Sam Louwyck | Greta Bohacek | Claude Heinrich | Daniel Sträßer | Daniel Fripan | Wolfgang Ceczor | Lena Lauzemis | Mariella Josephine Aumann | Chara Mata Giannatou | Adrian Frieling | Vasiliki Troufakou | Katerina Zafeiropoulou

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/25/2022Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

My fourth fest film for Day 3 in the Secret Cinema. Not as dark or twisted as Der Bunker but still a decent look at a modern day cult. Very straightforward but I like a good cult film and the fucked up ppl that lead and follow.


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